There are various actions that can be performed in Beyond the Birdcage that have randomized outcomes that are semi-dependent on stats. These actions can help increase your character's abilities or health, or further along plot points. This means the more actions you perform, the more things you'll uncover, and the more you'll go down into bird history. Doesn't that seem exciting?
Fighting is considered an action, but due to its more extensive nature, it has it's own page.

Due to the random chance factor of these actions, when an action is to be performed in a thread, the action should be in the title of the thread in [ brackets ] so that staff will know if they will eventually need to judge the outcome of the event.

The form for requestion judgement on performed actions is located here.

The various actions are as follows.

Through various chance occurances (and maybe not chance) birds can get sick or ill. Healing is the practice of getting these characters out of sicknesses (referred to as Afflictions, as well). Healing can be performed through Herbs, which are a Resource. Some healing does not require any Resource to be performed, but this magic ability has not yet been seen on the Island.
Healing a character is determined with a number generator. The standard chance is 30/100, meaning that if the number randomly generated is 1-30, then the character is healed.
Whim stats increase the chance of successfully healing by various factors. If a character has a Primary trait of Whim and 4 WHM, then their success numbers will be from 1-34.
Primary: +1 per WHM for 30/100 success rate
Secondary: +1 per 2 WHM for 30/100 success rate
Tertiary: +1 per 3 WHM for 30/100 success rate
Tertiary: +1 per 6 WHM for 30/100 success rate

Investigation is an action that can be performed in a location when there is an Investigation Notice in the Location Description. The Investigation Notice will be about a certain part of a location and prompts players to examine the area. When roleplaying out Investigation, characters can pick and prod at the object all that they would like. However, the players are not permitted to create their own results! If there is a mysterious rock and a player investigates, the player isn't allowed to decide the rock has granted them with powers to breathe fire and contorl other bird's minds. The results of the investigation are up to staff members to decide. Investigation can lead to important plot points, new locations, resources, and various exciting random events.
With random chance and trait Stats incorporated, the judgement of a successful investigation is determined by the same process as Healing. There is a standard 30/100 chance.
Ingenuity stats increase the chance of successfully discovering something.
Primary: +1 per ING for 30/100 success rate
Secondary: +1 per 2 ING for 30/100 success rate
Tertiary: +1 per 3 ING for 30/100 success rate
Standard: +1 per 8 ING for 30/100 success rate

Raiding is the action of invading and stealing Resources from an affiliation's stockpile. Raiding can only be done if a bird is part of an affiliation, otherwise there is nowhere to store the resources. Although, a bird can perform raids if not part of an affilation, but will only be rewarded, if successful, with a single item of food, regardless of SPD.
Raids can be done in flocks with mutiple birds. Raid immunity can be purchased in the store.-
If the roleplay posts in a raid situation are realistic, fair, and well thought-out, the participant of the raid will have a chance to recieve an item that is currently in the stockpile that is being targeted. The Speed stat increases bounty from raids.
Raid rewards are determined by the quality of the post. If the post is a good quality, one bounty resource will be rewarded. Higher Speed stats will increase the amounts of items rewarded in successful raids.
Primary: 1 bonus per 3 SPD
Secondary: 1 bonus item per 5 SPD
Tertiary: 1 bonus per 7 SPD
Standard: 1 bonus per 10 SPD

Scavenging and Hunting is an important activity, since it's the action of your bird finding food or resources. Hunting applies to animals that are still alive, and scavenging applies to everything that doesn't move or doesn't move any longer. Scavenging/Hunting is taken into consideration when fights are judged, so make sure to get a bite to eat once in a while.
Scavenging and Hunting is done for resources. To find good locations for food, check the Location Descriptions of various places on the map. You won't find certain items in certain locations. In additon, keep in mind the diet of your bird. Unfortunately your great horned owl will not be eating fruit.
Resources collected can also be stored in an affiliation's stockpile. Keep in mind that storing things brings bonus EXP to all members of the affiliation, so get collecting!
A list of Resources can be found in the Encyclopedia. Resources that are not food cannot be stored.
Note that not all items are useless! What could be in store for these trinkets? Is it possible that something will be able to be made out of them? You ought to keep a careful watch on the island.
The process of Scavenging and Hunting is similar to the process of Raiding in that the particular stat adds a bonus item to the bounty. If the posts of the bird searching for resources is well done and shows effort and thought, the individual will be rewarded. Endurance is the stat that determines bonus resources.
Primary: 1 bonus per 3 END
Secondary: 1 bonus per 5 END
Tertiary: 1 bonus per 6 END
Standard: 1 bonus per 10 END

Random events are super-awesome-fantastic things (or super-awful-terrible things) that happen by chance occurance throughout the site. There is not particular stat that provokes or deters random events from happening. Sometimes, things just happen.
Many random events are unique plot points, and due to this nature, those who are most active will be graced by these peculiar happenings.