Fights are one of the actions that can be carried out in roleplay that has outcomes determined partially by stats. Fights can be over anything from territory to rank to nothing at all. Though in nature a sparrow coud not beat a hawk, the system set up allows these things to happen. Although, keep you opponent and character in mind when roleplaying to create a realistic fight to the best of your ability.
- Fight outcome can be decided on by the participants, otherwise they will be judged by the following.
- For a bird to challenge a rank in a group, the bird must be on the site for at least one season. The bird also must be at lesat two seasons old.
- A fight must have at least 5 posts per character involved. In order to be fair, the post counts must be even between the particpants.
- If a fight occurs between multiple characters, points are tallied for each "side" present. If two characters are on one side fighting togther but not each other, one character is chosen as a representative so that points aren't out of proportion to the other side. - Warning!!! Fights can be dangerous. If there the winner wins by 30 or more points, your character will not have survived the fight! Make sure to specify in your initial fight post if the fight is to be a death match or not. If the fight is not a death match and the winner wins by 30 or more points, the loser will suffer an Immune Affliction.

The judging request form for fight is located here. Points are given for various things in fights and will be described in the following.

Realistic attacks are important for receiving points. Attacks should be in proportion to the species and size of the bird.
+3, player makes attacks highly realistic to size, species of character
+2, player makes attacks realistic to size, species of character
+1, player attempts attacks realistic to size, species of character
+0, player does not make realistic attacks

Defense includes dodges and evasive manoeuvers. Dodges should be in proportion to the species and size of the bird.
+3, player makes attacks highly realistic to size, species of character
+2, player makes attacks realistic to size, species of character
+1, player attempts attacks realistic to size, species of character
+0, player does not make realistic attacks

If the character has hunted or scavenged recently, these help the consideration of how healthy the character is at the time of the fight, since there is no designated health stat.
+3, player has hunted/scavenged in last 3 days
+2, player has hunted/scavenged in last 5 days
+1, player has hunted/scavenged in last 7 days
+0, player has not hunted/scavenged in last 7 days

+1, player took the environment into consideration (difficulty flying in dense trees, hard to surprise-attack in open air, etc.)
+1, single player against multiple opponents bonus
+1, player takes strong blow, sustains significant injury (broken wing, broken foot, etc)
+2, player takes powerful blow, sustains permanent injury (lost eye, lost toe, etc)
+1, responds well to creative, unique attacks / evasions

Strength stats affect the score of the fight by adding bonus points. Strength stats can add significant bonuses, so be careful who you fight! Using the formulas below, you can see how many extra points your opponents will be awarded based on their type.
Primary: +1 per 2 STR
Secondary: +1 per 4 STR
Tertiary: +1 per 6 STR
Standard: +1 per 10 STR

Various points are awarded for various actions determined by body types.
+2, player makes a creative physical attack
+1, player attemps a creative physical attack
+2, player affected significantly by psychological warfare

+2, player makes a clever evasion
+1, player attempts a clever evasion
+2, player does not inflict significant damage

+2, player makes a unique trap
+1, player attempts a unique trap
+2, player frequently fails to evade and dodge